

Professional Horsemanship Instructor

“I specialize in gymnastics on horseback. My back pain was interfering with my ability to ride correctly, and I came to Amy for help. Amy explained how tension and weakness in my deep abdominal muscles and hips were part of the reason for my acute pain. After a few massage sessions and performing Amy’s recommended strengthening exercises, I am able to ride without pain. Amy’s body work has helped me heal old injuries, traumas, and to protect my body from the everyday wear and tear that an active lifestyle incurs. My back and core is now so much stronger and free of tension, I can dance on horseback again. Thank you, Amy, for helping give my body back so I can pursue my passion.”


Master Cross-Country Skiier/Endurance Athlete

“I rely on Amy’s comprehensive knowledge and skill. Amy not only understands muscle function, but she also clearly explains how muscle groups work together and what I should be doing to recover from and avoid injuries.  After one of Amy’s sessions I am refreshed and ready for cross country ski training.”


Trail Runner

“I came to Amy on the advice of my physical therapist, after struggling for over a year with restricted movement due to scar tissue. I noticed an almost immediate improvement, and the improvement progressed with each visit. After rehabilitaion, I have continued to regularly visit Amy to help avoid injury and to improve my running.”


Competitve Ultrarunner

“After two months of regular sports massages from Amy, I went to her office for a follow up appointment. She asked me how my “bad knee” was feeling. I looked at her blankly and asked myself,“Was it my right knee or my left knee?” I honestly could not remember the chronic pain that I was having in one of my knees. Not only did she work out my knee pain, but she worked deeper into other areas that were triggering my knee pain. Since I have started getting massages from Amy, I have felt more structurally aligned and I have become more aware of what my body is feeling. I have been able to run faster, I have been able to run further, and I have been able to run more freely.”

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